I know you are with us. Although not in my timing, you continue to come through for us - with finances, repairs, sickness. But there is still one area where we cannot get an answer or a blessing. Why is it so hard? Rodney got a couple of calls back to back - and now - we are back to silence.
I wish I knew how to pray. I wish I knew what to say that would convince you to bless my husband. I thought this prayer blog would work --- but so far, it hasn't. My poor husband has not worked in over two years. He is tired of getting cast aside, overlooked, ignored and given the brush off. What is wrong with people??
I wish I knew how to make things better for him. I wish I knew the right words to say. I wish I had a new refreshing way to encourage him. It seems the things I said in the beginning are no longer effective because nothing has changed. He deserves so much better than this.
Why, God? Why are we still struggling in this area? Help us understand...
He feels incomplete... less of a man... less of a husband... because he doesn't have a job and cannot provide for our family the way he wants to. If this is your will, then help us find peace with it and provide an outlet for Rodney to feel a sense of accomplishment again.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen
My hubby and me

Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Where are you?
I struggle to find the words to pray. I am so aggrivated with what is happening in our world right now. Between car repairs, home repairs and Rodney struggling to find work, something has to give. Where are you? These are the times when I am supposed to feel your presence the most. These are the times when you are said to be carrying me through the storm. Instead, I feel like I am in the eye of the tornado and the only thing keeping me halfway sane is my husband.
Lord, we are semi-patiently waiting to hear back from Rodney's recent job interview. Even though it is part time, it would be welcomed change. He would probably make as much or more money than what he currently brings in -- plus, he would be working again. He wants so much to feel like he is contributing and to be able to save for things we need/want. I pray you will make a way... please stop the disappointments and make something happen for him. He even applied for a job with another insurance company -- so we are totally open to that opportunity as well. We just need a break... We need your intervention... We need a blessing...
Even though it's hard, I know I must continue to pray for help and ask you to bless us. I must keep believing that a praying wife truly can make a difference.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
I struggle to find the words to pray. I am so aggrivated with what is happening in our world right now. Between car repairs, home repairs and Rodney struggling to find work, something has to give. Where are you? These are the times when I am supposed to feel your presence the most. These are the times when you are said to be carrying me through the storm. Instead, I feel like I am in the eye of the tornado and the only thing keeping me halfway sane is my husband.
Lord, we are semi-patiently waiting to hear back from Rodney's recent job interview. Even though it is part time, it would be welcomed change. He would probably make as much or more money than what he currently brings in -- plus, he would be working again. He wants so much to feel like he is contributing and to be able to save for things we need/want. I pray you will make a way... please stop the disappointments and make something happen for him. He even applied for a job with another insurance company -- so we are totally open to that opportunity as well. We just need a break... We need your intervention... We need a blessing...
Even though it's hard, I know I must continue to pray for help and ask you to bless us. I must keep believing that a praying wife truly can make a difference.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Time away...
I was getting frustrated, so I had to take a few days off. I couldn't pray. I didn't have the words to say. My heart was growing tired and my mind growing more bitter about my husband's job situation. I still feel frustrated, but I am striving to hold onto my faith and truly believe you have a plan in all of this.
Lord, help me to see you. Help me to accept whatever comes our way, even when it is not what we've hoped and prayed for. Help us to know in our hearts that you love us and are ultimately looking our for our best interest. When we continue to pray without any results, it is SO hard to remember those things.
Thank you for all you've done. For all you're doing. For all you will do. I'm trying to stay positive and continue to be strong for my husband -- but some days, it's just really hard.
I continue to lift up my husband --- praying you will move a mountain and make a way for him to start working again. Give me encouragement, confidence and support as he waits for a long-awaited answer to this prayer.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
I was getting frustrated, so I had to take a few days off. I couldn't pray. I didn't have the words to say. My heart was growing tired and my mind growing more bitter about my husband's job situation. I still feel frustrated, but I am striving to hold onto my faith and truly believe you have a plan in all of this.
Lord, help me to see you. Help me to accept whatever comes our way, even when it is not what we've hoped and prayed for. Help us to know in our hearts that you love us and are ultimately looking our for our best interest. When we continue to pray without any results, it is SO hard to remember those things.
Thank you for all you've done. For all you're doing. For all you will do. I'm trying to stay positive and continue to be strong for my husband -- but some days, it's just really hard.
I continue to lift up my husband --- praying you will move a mountain and make a way for him to start working again. Give me encouragement, confidence and support as he waits for a long-awaited answer to this prayer.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Cannot understand...
There's no next step. There's no live interview. That's the end.
Why? Why God? While a phone interview was long overdue in and of itself, why is that all he gets? I just don't even know what to say to my husband when I get home today because --- as frustrated and letdown as I am, I know what he feels is double or triple that.
I just cannot understand how people can pass him by so easily or not even allow him a real shot at a job. I'm so mad. I was starting to think this might finally be a turning point for him and now, we are back at square one. How long will it be until he receives another call? When will he get the chance to interview face-to-face and shine as bright as I know he can? Where is his job blessing, God?
I don't get it. I have to pull myself together and try to find some words of encouragement. But how do you encourage someone who has been through the ringer and is tired of trying? How do I find words of encouragement when I don't understand any of this myself?
Lord, take this frustration away and allow me to see what is behind it all. Give us hope that something better is out there for Rodney if we just hold onto our faith. Please give us a sign.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
There's no next step. There's no live interview. That's the end.
Why? Why God? While a phone interview was long overdue in and of itself, why is that all he gets? I just don't even know what to say to my husband when I get home today because --- as frustrated and letdown as I am, I know what he feels is double or triple that.
I just cannot understand how people can pass him by so easily or not even allow him a real shot at a job. I'm so mad. I was starting to think this might finally be a turning point for him and now, we are back at square one. How long will it be until he receives another call? When will he get the chance to interview face-to-face and shine as bright as I know he can? Where is his job blessing, God?
I don't get it. I have to pull myself together and try to find some words of encouragement. But how do you encourage someone who has been through the ringer and is tired of trying? How do I find words of encouragement when I don't understand any of this myself?
Lord, take this frustration away and allow me to see what is behind it all. Give us hope that something better is out there for Rodney if we just hold onto our faith. Please give us a sign.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
One call, that's all!
Hear my prayer. Rodney did great with his phone interview yesterday. Now, we wait...
I got home just in time for Rodney's phone interview and I was listening proudly from another room. He was so nervous and so SWEATY -- but he did really good. The lady told him they would be contacting candidates for live interviews today. God, please let Rodney be one of them. I KNOW if they met him, they would be more willing to give him the opportunity.
God, you are always faithful and your hand is in every part of our lives. I just pray for a blessing today... that Rodney will receive a follow-up email or a call to schedule a face-to-face interview sometime next week.
Lord, whatever the outcome --- please give my husband the strength to handle it and give me the words of encouragement to support him.
Thank you for all you do. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Hear my prayer. Rodney did great with his phone interview yesterday. Now, we wait...
I got home just in time for Rodney's phone interview and I was listening proudly from another room. He was so nervous and so SWEATY -- but he did really good. The lady told him they would be contacting candidates for live interviews today. God, please let Rodney be one of them. I KNOW if they met him, they would be more willing to give him the opportunity.
God, you are always faithful and your hand is in every part of our lives. I just pray for a blessing today... that Rodney will receive a follow-up email or a call to schedule a face-to-face interview sometime next week.
Lord, whatever the outcome --- please give my husband the strength to handle it and give me the words of encouragement to support him.
Thank you for all you do. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Praying and praying hard!
You are good. You work and you work fast. One day, Rodney is frustrated and coming upon 2 years with no movement and then, all of the sudden, a request for a phone interview changes everything. The phone interview is about an hour from now... I am anxious and hopeful all at the same time!
Lord, give Rodney the confidence to do well with his phone interview. Give him the right words to say, the demeanor and personality to impress and encouragement to shine brightly. This is a great opportunity - position, pay, location, etc. - and I believe if this is part of your plan, Rodney will get this job.
I know, if they met Rodney, they would be impressed by him -- but I pray they would be receptive to him today as well. God, I know you can move mountains and you can make things happen. I just pray that today is the day when the blessings begin to flow to create a great job opportunity for my husband.
Thank you God for all you do.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
You are good. You work and you work fast. One day, Rodney is frustrated and coming upon 2 years with no movement and then, all of the sudden, a request for a phone interview changes everything. The phone interview is about an hour from now... I am anxious and hopeful all at the same time!
Lord, give Rodney the confidence to do well with his phone interview. Give him the right words to say, the demeanor and personality to impress and encouragement to shine brightly. This is a great opportunity - position, pay, location, etc. - and I believe if this is part of your plan, Rodney will get this job.
I know, if they met Rodney, they would be impressed by him -- but I pray they would be receptive to him today as well. God, I know you can move mountains and you can make things happen. I just pray that today is the day when the blessings begin to flow to create a great job opportunity for my husband.
Thank you God for all you do.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Monday, May 19, 2014
And finally... a call!
My husband is SO excited. He received an email yesterday (on a Sunday, strangely enough) scheduling a phone interview for this coming Wednesday. He just applied for the job on Friday before we left for Indy and already, he has a phone interview. Finally, a glimmer of hope, a possible opportunity, a call, after so much silence. Lord, thank you... regardless of what happens, thank you for restoring hope in my husband and giving him an possibility.
God, you are faithful. Your grace is amazing and I am in awe of the ways you bless us. I continue to look to you for restoration and renewal. I continue to lift up my husband and his job situation. Lord, give him the encouragement and confidence to do well for his phone interview. He is an amazingly brilliant man who just wants an opportunity to work and provide for us. Allow this to be the first step of a great blessing to come.
Lord, we love you and we thank you. For all you do.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
My husband is SO excited. He received an email yesterday (on a Sunday, strangely enough) scheduling a phone interview for this coming Wednesday. He just applied for the job on Friday before we left for Indy and already, he has a phone interview. Finally, a glimmer of hope, a possible opportunity, a call, after so much silence. Lord, thank you... regardless of what happens, thank you for restoring hope in my husband and giving him an possibility.
God, you are faithful. Your grace is amazing and I am in awe of the ways you bless us. I continue to look to you for restoration and renewal. I continue to lift up my husband and his job situation. Lord, give him the encouragement and confidence to do well for his phone interview. He is an amazingly brilliant man who just wants an opportunity to work and provide for us. Allow this to be the first step of a great blessing to come.
Lord, we love you and we thank you. For all you do.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Help is on the way!
Thank you for the many ways you bless us. We often fall short, but by your grace, we are restored. You pick us up and give us strength to push forward, even when we grow tired.
God, I lift up my husband to you. I pray you will keep him strong in mind and body, encouraging and building him up for a brighter tomorrow. I pray for your will in his job situation. He met with his employment specialist last week and she was impressed with his interviewing skills. She is going to spruce up his resume a bit and hopefully, that will create some movement through calls and/or interviews.
We are not sure what the future holds - but we are sure that you are always with us. I pray you will guide us on the right path and help us to accept whatever your plan in all of this is.
We love you and we thank you -- for all you've done and all you will do.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Thank you for the many ways you bless us. We often fall short, but by your grace, we are restored. You pick us up and give us strength to push forward, even when we grow tired.
God, I lift up my husband to you. I pray you will keep him strong in mind and body, encouraging and building him up for a brighter tomorrow. I pray for your will in his job situation. He met with his employment specialist last week and she was impressed with his interviewing skills. She is going to spruce up his resume a bit and hopefully, that will create some movement through calls and/or interviews.
We are not sure what the future holds - but we are sure that you are always with us. I pray you will guide us on the right path and help us to accept whatever your plan in all of this is.
We love you and we thank you -- for all you've done and all you will do.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Someone... Anyone...?
Will today be the day my husband gets a call? Will today be the day his true potential is realized? Will today be the day that SOMEone (ANYone) extends a hand to help my husband?
For the past few months, my husband has been working with an employment specialist. To date, she hasn't done much other than email potential jobs to him. Through a conversation yesterday, my husband expressed the fact that he still has received NO calls and she was genuinely surprised, given the number of jobs he's applied for. Maybe this will be the wakeup call to her that he needs a bit more guidance -- maybe she can help revamp his resume, brush up his interview skills and if she has ANY job lead connections, now would be the time for her to use those. My husband wants so desperately to find work again... God, I pray for an answer to these prayers... Open a door, crack a window, provide an opportunity for my boo to shine...
We love you Lord. We thank you for all you have done and all that you will do.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Will today be the day my husband gets a call? Will today be the day his true potential is realized? Will today be the day that SOMEone (ANYone) extends a hand to help my husband?
For the past few months, my husband has been working with an employment specialist. To date, she hasn't done much other than email potential jobs to him. Through a conversation yesterday, my husband expressed the fact that he still has received NO calls and she was genuinely surprised, given the number of jobs he's applied for. Maybe this will be the wakeup call to her that he needs a bit more guidance -- maybe she can help revamp his resume, brush up his interview skills and if she has ANY job lead connections, now would be the time for her to use those. My husband wants so desperately to find work again... God, I pray for an answer to these prayers... Open a door, crack a window, provide an opportunity for my boo to shine...
We love you Lord. We thank you for all you have done and all that you will do.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Health, wisdom & love...
With so much focus on praying for Rodney's job situation, I often neglect to just pray for HIM. Today, I recognize that and pray for my husband.
I pray you keep him healthy (well, keep us both healthy) so we can enjoy a long life together. This is something I worry about often... It took me so long to find him and I'm terrified of a world that doesn't include him... Never before would I have prayed to become a little old lady, but with him, I want that. I want to be an old married couple, enjoying our children and grandchildren and looking back on our journey together.
I pray you keep him strong and encouraged. With so many no-calls on this job thing, anyone could understand frustration setting in and the feeling of just wanting to give up. Lord, give my husband the strength to run the race - no matter what your plan is for him.
I pray you keep him surrounded with love and support. He will always have those things from me - but I pray you add people to his life who he can truly call "friends". He often wonders why his circle of friends is so small - and well, I don't have an answer for that. I only know of his brilliantness and amazingness --- and he deserves to have more people in his life who recognize and love those things about him.
Lord, thank you for this wonderful man. He is a top-notch husband and I know he will be a great father as well. I pray you surround him with your wisdom, love and comfort.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
With so much focus on praying for Rodney's job situation, I often neglect to just pray for HIM. Today, I recognize that and pray for my husband.
I pray you keep him healthy (well, keep us both healthy) so we can enjoy a long life together. This is something I worry about often... It took me so long to find him and I'm terrified of a world that doesn't include him... Never before would I have prayed to become a little old lady, but with him, I want that. I want to be an old married couple, enjoying our children and grandchildren and looking back on our journey together.
I pray you keep him strong and encouraged. With so many no-calls on this job thing, anyone could understand frustration setting in and the feeling of just wanting to give up. Lord, give my husband the strength to run the race - no matter what your plan is for him.
I pray you keep him surrounded with love and support. He will always have those things from me - but I pray you add people to his life who he can truly call "friends". He often wonders why his circle of friends is so small - and well, I don't have an answer for that. I only know of his brilliantness and amazingness --- and he deserves to have more people in his life who recognize and love those things about him.
Lord, thank you for this wonderful man. He is a top-notch husband and I know he will be a great father as well. I pray you surround him with your wisdom, love and comfort.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Monday, April 28, 2014
One question: When?
I sat in church yesterday, listening to the Word and praying it would move in my life. The pastor reminded us that we have a due dilgence to do the "devoted things" in communication and communion with you. I look around and see evidence all around me that my husband and I are blessed. You are faithful, you take care of us and you supply our every need. You do hear our prayers and you answer them in your own time. Our question is: When?
My husband has been out of work for almost 2 years. Two years! I was out of work for 2 months and about lost my mind - so I cannot even comprehend what he feels or how on earth he copes. We have been praying for a job to come along, for someone to reach out and extend an opportunity for him. But despite all of the job applications, career services and prayers, nothing has happened. When, God? When will he receive a job blessing? We long to wake up to the day when this prayer will be answered.
Lord, we thank you for the many ways you bless us. I ask for strength and guidance for my husband as he continues to look for work. May you move the mountain, part the seas that be, straighten the winding road and allow the right job opportunity to present itself. God, help me to be supportive and encouraging to my husband.
We love you and know you are going to do great things in our life.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
I sat in church yesterday, listening to the Word and praying it would move in my life. The pastor reminded us that we have a due dilgence to do the "devoted things" in communication and communion with you. I look around and see evidence all around me that my husband and I are blessed. You are faithful, you take care of us and you supply our every need. You do hear our prayers and you answer them in your own time. Our question is: When?
My husband has been out of work for almost 2 years. Two years! I was out of work for 2 months and about lost my mind - so I cannot even comprehend what he feels or how on earth he copes. We have been praying for a job to come along, for someone to reach out and extend an opportunity for him. But despite all of the job applications, career services and prayers, nothing has happened. When, God? When will he receive a job blessing? We long to wake up to the day when this prayer will be answered.
Lord, we thank you for the many ways you bless us. I ask for strength and guidance for my husband as he continues to look for work. May you move the mountain, part the seas that be, straighten the winding road and allow the right job opportunity to present itself. God, help me to be supportive and encouraging to my husband.
We love you and know you are going to do great things in our life.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Job test today!
Thank you for this day you've given us.. For waking us up and allowing us to see a new day... While it may seem like a small thing to some, Rodney is taking a job placement assessment this morning. If he does well, a job opportunity could follow. God, thank you for this small window... It is a glimmer of hope in what has become an exhausting and frustrating job search for my husband.
Lord, please be with my husband as he completes this test. Give him comfort of knowing you are with him and give him the knowledge to do well. Help him to be encouraged and feel good about it after... give him hope that he will persevere and that a job opportunity is not far behind.
God, please continue to provide for us and bless us far beyond our imagination. You are so good to us and we are thankful every day for the blessings you've given, big and small.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Thank you for this day you've given us.. For waking us up and allowing us to see a new day... While it may seem like a small thing to some, Rodney is taking a job placement assessment this morning. If he does well, a job opportunity could follow. God, thank you for this small window... It is a glimmer of hope in what has become an exhausting and frustrating job search for my husband.
Lord, please be with my husband as he completes this test. Give him comfort of knowing you are with him and give him the knowledge to do well. Help him to be encouraged and feel good about it after... give him hope that he will persevere and that a job opportunity is not far behind.
God, please continue to provide for us and bless us far beyond our imagination. You are so good to us and we are thankful every day for the blessings you've given, big and small.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Hope for a break-through!
Thank you for all you do. You are faithful when we aren't sure. You are faithful when we can't see through the junk. You are faithful even in the times we begin to lose faith. In you, we have hope and a renewed faith that Rodney will find a job soon.
God, thank you for the glimmers of hope in the midst of hopelessness. In these moments, my husband is encouraged again and we are praying for an opportunity to come soon. He has a test this week and I pray that goes well. Please continue to guide the employment counselor as she tries to help in the process. Please provide the right job opportunity for Rodney so he can use the brilliance you gave him to be successful.
You are so good to us and you always see us through. God, I pray you make a way and help us to keep our eyes on you.
Thank you for loving us and for blessing us immensely.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Thank you for all you do. You are faithful when we aren't sure. You are faithful when we can't see through the junk. You are faithful even in the times we begin to lose faith. In you, we have hope and a renewed faith that Rodney will find a job soon.
God, thank you for the glimmers of hope in the midst of hopelessness. In these moments, my husband is encouraged again and we are praying for an opportunity to come soon. He has a test this week and I pray that goes well. Please continue to guide the employment counselor as she tries to help in the process. Please provide the right job opportunity for Rodney so he can use the brilliance you gave him to be successful.
You are so good to us and you always see us through. God, I pray you make a way and help us to keep our eyes on you.
Thank you for loving us and for blessing us immensely.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Ask and it will be given to you...
Thank you for loving us. Thank you for your grace and mercy. I praise you for all the ways you have blessed Rodney and me, both individually and together as a couple. It is amazing to see the things you've brought us through and the answered (and unanswered) prayers that made our lives better.
Your word tells us that if we come to you, if we simply ask for the things we need, you will provide and bless your people. God, I lift up my husband to you. I place my faith in you and pray you will provide a job opportunity for Rodney soon. It's been an ongoing struggle for him and I long to see his talent/skills/brilliance realized. If only other people, employers, everyone could see what I see in this wonderful man. I pray his efforts to find work will not be in vain and that you will give him the encouragement and perseverance to see it through. If it be your will, God, please provide the right job opportunity for him...
Lord, keep us healthy and strong. Keep our eyes on you and give us peace as we wait for your plans to be revealed. We are thankful for all you have done and all you will do. We love you Lord.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Thank you for loving us. Thank you for your grace and mercy. I praise you for all the ways you have blessed Rodney and me, both individually and together as a couple. It is amazing to see the things you've brought us through and the answered (and unanswered) prayers that made our lives better.
Your word tells us that if we come to you, if we simply ask for the things we need, you will provide and bless your people. God, I lift up my husband to you. I place my faith in you and pray you will provide a job opportunity for Rodney soon. It's been an ongoing struggle for him and I long to see his talent/skills/brilliance realized. If only other people, employers, everyone could see what I see in this wonderful man. I pray his efforts to find work will not be in vain and that you will give him the encouragement and perseverance to see it through. If it be your will, God, please provide the right job opportunity for him...
Lord, keep us healthy and strong. Keep our eyes on you and give us peace as we wait for your plans to be revealed. We are thankful for all you have done and all you will do. We love you Lord.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Cracked window??
Thank you for all the ways you bless us. You continue to show your love and faithfulness to me and Rodney... through financial blessings... through friend blessings... through answered prayers... I am so grateful for your love and your grace.
Yesterday, Rodney received an email asking him to sign up for testing for a job. Could this be the cracked window we've been praying for? The job is not something he'd want to do forever - but it would give him a steady income while providing a starting place from which he could progress internally. It's what we've hoped for... It's a light at the end of the tunnel... I pray it moves forward and that Rodney would receive a job opportunity soon.
Lord, please continue to give my husband encouragement and perseverance. Help him to know you are preparing a position for him and he can depend on you to be faithful in this blessing. Help him to find comfort in knowing I have his back and will do whatever I can to support him. Please take his uneasiness, frustration and disappointment away and replace it with positive thoughts.
I love you and I thank you... for all you have done and all that you will do...
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Thank you for all the ways you bless us. You continue to show your love and faithfulness to me and Rodney... through financial blessings... through friend blessings... through answered prayers... I am so grateful for your love and your grace.
Yesterday, Rodney received an email asking him to sign up for testing for a job. Could this be the cracked window we've been praying for? The job is not something he'd want to do forever - but it would give him a steady income while providing a starting place from which he could progress internally. It's what we've hoped for... It's a light at the end of the tunnel... I pray it moves forward and that Rodney would receive a job opportunity soon.
Lord, please continue to give my husband encouragement and perseverance. Help him to know you are preparing a position for him and he can depend on you to be faithful in this blessing. Help him to find comfort in knowing I have his back and will do whatever I can to support him. Please take his uneasiness, frustration and disappointment away and replace it with positive thoughts.
I love you and I thank you... for all you have done and all that you will do...
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
When is the "right time"?
Thank you for another day of life. Rodney and I had a nice dinner out last night and it was much needed. Frustration has been settling in for him and I thought it might be good to get him out of the house for a bit. Thank you for making a way for us to do that... for providing the means and an outlet to just escape life, even for just a couple hours.
Father, my husband is trying so hard to find a job. He is constantly sending resumes to no avail. It'd be frustrating if he got interviews and then a "No, thank you" --- but he's not receiving calls at all. Nada. He's starting to second guess himself and if I were in his shoes, I probably would too. God, why? Why is it that this brilliant man who is articulate, educated, hardworking and dependable cannot find anyone to extend a hand or offer a job opportunity?? I know the job market is not great -- but he has work experience and two degrees... It just shouldn't be this hard!
My mind tells me he is being sabotaged in some way -- either by discrimination or some other way. But my heart tells me that you are preparing the right job for him. It just may not be the right time.
I can recall praying for the right man to come take his place next to me and I could not understand (at the time) why you would not send him to me when I felt I needed him most. A year later, when he did arrive, I found out why he hadn't come into my life sooner. He wasn't ready... And honestly, I probably wasn't ready either. If we'd met earlier than we did, one or both of us would have sabotaged the relationship and it would definitely not be what it is today. SO, in hindsight, your timing was perfect, as it always is. Help us hold onto that until Rodney's job blessing comes.
My prayer today is that you would restore Rodney's spirit and give him strength to keep on going. Give me the words to say -- the open heart, listening ear and encouraging words to give him as his biggest supporter and personal cheerleader. God, I pray you would make a way where there seems to be no way... that you would open a door... crack a window... and provide a lifeline to take Rodney in and nurture him in a job that's right for him.
Thank you Lord for all you do. Thank you for loving us, for providing and for being faithful to us.
In your Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Thank you for another day of life. Rodney and I had a nice dinner out last night and it was much needed. Frustration has been settling in for him and I thought it might be good to get him out of the house for a bit. Thank you for making a way for us to do that... for providing the means and an outlet to just escape life, even for just a couple hours.
Father, my husband is trying so hard to find a job. He is constantly sending resumes to no avail. It'd be frustrating if he got interviews and then a "No, thank you" --- but he's not receiving calls at all. Nada. He's starting to second guess himself and if I were in his shoes, I probably would too. God, why? Why is it that this brilliant man who is articulate, educated, hardworking and dependable cannot find anyone to extend a hand or offer a job opportunity?? I know the job market is not great -- but he has work experience and two degrees... It just shouldn't be this hard!
My mind tells me he is being sabotaged in some way -- either by discrimination or some other way. But my heart tells me that you are preparing the right job for him. It just may not be the right time.
I can recall praying for the right man to come take his place next to me and I could not understand (at the time) why you would not send him to me when I felt I needed him most. A year later, when he did arrive, I found out why he hadn't come into my life sooner. He wasn't ready... And honestly, I probably wasn't ready either. If we'd met earlier than we did, one or both of us would have sabotaged the relationship and it would definitely not be what it is today. SO, in hindsight, your timing was perfect, as it always is. Help us hold onto that until Rodney's job blessing comes.
My prayer today is that you would restore Rodney's spirit and give him strength to keep on going. Give me the words to say -- the open heart, listening ear and encouraging words to give him as his biggest supporter and personal cheerleader. God, I pray you would make a way where there seems to be no way... that you would open a door... crack a window... and provide a lifeline to take Rodney in and nurture him in a job that's right for him.
Thank you Lord for all you do. Thank you for loving us, for providing and for being faithful to us.
In your Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
1... 2... 3...
This makes Blog #3. But this may very well be my most important blog page to date. While I share life's latest happenings on "Daily Sparkle" and recipes on "Two Teaspoons", I felt the need for something else. Something that had the power to change people, things, situations...
It's no secret that prayer does just that. It changes. It encourages. It blesses. I'd like to say I pray daily, but the truth is, I should probably pray more... particularly for my husband. He is THE most important person in my world and during a time when he's frustrated and struggling to find work, we are in NEED of a blessing. Don't get me wrong... God is faithful... He provides what we need and often times more than what we technically need. But in order to see results... in order to really see a blessing happen for my husband, I need to be steadfast and constant about praying for him.
And so the journey begins --- today.
Please hear my prayer. I know I'm not always the person you want me to me, but I'm thankful for all you've done. In order to gain a closer relationship with you and truly witness your miraculous blessings, I submit this blog to you. This is the place where I will lift up my husband, pray for him and submit our will to yours. You sent this wonderful man into my life and I long to see his life change in a positive way... one where he can be productive, successful and satisfied... one where he feels he can provide for his family and be an equal partner for me... I love him deeply and pray with all my heart that you make a way for him.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
It's no secret that prayer does just that. It changes. It encourages. It blesses. I'd like to say I pray daily, but the truth is, I should probably pray more... particularly for my husband. He is THE most important person in my world and during a time when he's frustrated and struggling to find work, we are in NEED of a blessing. Don't get me wrong... God is faithful... He provides what we need and often times more than what we technically need. But in order to see results... in order to really see a blessing happen for my husband, I need to be steadfast and constant about praying for him.
And so the journey begins --- today.
Please hear my prayer. I know I'm not always the person you want me to me, but I'm thankful for all you've done. In order to gain a closer relationship with you and truly witness your miraculous blessings, I submit this blog to you. This is the place where I will lift up my husband, pray for him and submit our will to yours. You sent this wonderful man into my life and I long to see his life change in a positive way... one where he can be productive, successful and satisfied... one where he feels he can provide for his family and be an equal partner for me... I love him deeply and pray with all my heart that you make a way for him.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
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