My hubby and me

My hubby and me

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Another "No"

God, this is frustrating. Beyond frustrating. Even a church has turned down my husband for work. A colleague of mine mentioned an opportunity at her mom's church and encouraged me to have my husband apply. So, I did... And he did... He went for an interview (if that's what you want to call it) and felt good about his chances. Even I felt that, if anyone was going to give my husband a chance, it should be a church. My colleague, with her "inside scoop", promoted my husband by telling me that he was the most qualified candidate out of the pool and it should go to him.

We waited. The pastor went on vacation so we tried to be patient waiting for a response. A week or so later, my colleague mentions that the pastor interviewed and liked her. Still, I felt hopeful, particularly when her mom said that girl should not be hired. Later that week, my husband received word that he was not chosen and they went with someone "more experienced". I immediately knew that the pastor chose the overqualified girl. Why? Why would they choose someone who will constantly be looking for the bigger/better deal over my husband who is so eager to work again? How could you let him go through another process and get his hopes up - only to have him let down once again?

I am tired. And even though I don't want my faith to be shaken, I have to admit it is. I am thankful for all of the other blessings in our life - our health, our finances, our marriage... But my husband finding a great job should not be this hard. We've prayed until we're blue in the face - and still nothing happens. Something needs to change... Someone needs to step up... If that happens to be this church after the overqualified girl leaves them high and dry, they can take their job and shove it. My husband deserves so much better than this... SO much better...

Where are you, God? Are you hearing our prayers??

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

How much longer will he wait?

God, I am so frustrated. I am so agitated. I am so... confused about this whole thing. How many jobs does my husband have to apply to in order to get any bites? How long must he wait in this state of jobless limbo before someone finally decides to take a chance and offer an opportunity for him to shine? He prays... I pray... His mama prays... And yet, it's been over two long years since he's been in the workforce.

For me, it isn't as much financial as it is about his emotional state and just the feeling of worth. After so long without a job, colleague interaction, small accomplishments and a regular paycheck, it can start to take a toll on your spirit and well-being. Although he tries to stay occupied with other things, I worry about him a lot. I wish so much that there was something I could do to change his situation. I suppose I could go beat some people upside their heads with a stick until they give in and offer him a job? :)

Lord, I pray for a serious blessing. Seriously. It is getting really old, repetitive and tiresome of praying for something that never comes. Please come through for my husband. Please remind him of your faithfulness and answer his prayer for a job. As strong as he is, I don't know how much longer his spirit can take this beatdown.

God, open a door. Open a window. Just crack it, if you can. Give us a glimpse that something good is going to happen soon!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

It's a never-ending cycle...

God, are you listening? Do you hear the frustration in my husband's voice? Can you feel his faith starting to falter each time he goes around another lap of this jobless roller coaster?

My husband has been out of work for over 2 years. After a while - especially that long - it begins to take its toll on your esteem, confidence and overall well-being. Encouraging words and prayers are appreciated in the early stages, but after a significant period of time, even those begin to feel empty. What more can he do? What more can I do to help?

Recently, he was called in for an interview with a local transit company. He had a great interview with the director and it seemed very promising, at the time. Fast forward about 3 weeks and he sends an email to follow-up/check the status of his candidacy. The lady was very cordial but explained that it was now in HR's hands to follow-up with the candidates. That was on July 10th. It is now July 22nd and there has been no word. Nothing. Nada. I want to think that the director would have just told him if he was out of the running or if they were not going to pursue him any further - but I cannot be certain. I want to encourage my husband to follow-up with the HR person, but what does he even say, at this point? It is starting to look like another hopeful opportunity is going to pass up my husband and the discouragement he feels is only growing.

This is hard. It is hard to try to keep the faith and continue to pray for a blessing that eluded us for so long. My husband needs a chance. One opportunity. Something to help him feel he is worthy in the eyes of an employer. We're running out of ideas, options and patience. God, please make a way - because there seems to be no way.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Interview completed. Now we wait!

My husband had his interview and it went really well. Really well. It lasted TWO HOURS! He said he felt comfortable and it was really more of a conversation than an uptight interview setting. I was so happy to hear this and I am hoping that this could really be the one.

Unfortunately, the lady he interviewed with is on vacation this next week, so the soonest he might hear back would be the week of July 4th. If he is called back, there would be a follow-up interview with the director and a member of HR. This is torture. He feels confident about it and I am too. But the waiting game just really sucks. He has waited so long for an opportunity to come along and for a door to be opened. I know that a matter of days will not make or break him --- but I am anxious for him to be blessed with a job. This job, in particular, will capitalize on his education and experience while allowing him to learn new things as well.

God, I am nervous. I am anxious. I am praying hard that this is part of your plan. I cannot handle more disappointment for my husband. He is too smart, hardworking and brilliant to be sitting on the sidelines any longer. He needs a blessing, God. Please place your hands on him and this job situation. Surround my husband with strength, confidence, peace and the mentality to break out of this funk and claim this job. We believe in your power and pray that this will be the long awaited job blessing we have been asking for.

Thank you for all you've done and all you are going to do.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Friday, June 12, 2015

From cover letter to interview!

Randomly, my husband texted me yesterday to say, "Hey, I forwarded you an email. I need help with a response." When I opened the email, it was a job he had applied for asking for a detailed cover letter. Ok, I can do this. I can break out some brilliance for the sake of my boo. It took me all of 20 minutes to put it together and then I sent it back to him.

About an hour later...

He texts me again... only this time, to tell me that he had a 2:00 interview for Monday. Say what!?? I replied with a "Dang, my cover letter must've been bangin'!" - but in the back of my throat, I could feel tightness like tears would shortly follow. Could this be it? Could this finally be the blessing we have been praying for?

I pray for my husband... even more than I pray for myself... that this will be the opportunity that changes his situation and blesses him immensely. I pray this organization will be open, patient and accepting of my husband, his strengths and weaknesses and welcome his desire to work hard and do a good job. As much as I desire a new job, I have an even greater desire for my husband to find work and feel like he is successful at this point in his life.

Praying. Praying hard.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Interceding on his behalf...

My husband is brilliant. He is hardworking. He is smart, independent and can learn things very quickly. If I can see these things, why can't everyone else?

My boo has been unemployed for almost two years. Why God? Why is it that frustration and the agonizing wait continue to plague my poor husband and, yet, his prayer for a job goes unanswered. We may be in between churches at the moment, but we pray often... when we do go to church, he is very diligent about tithing... and we do our best to live right...

For all of the blessings we have been given, this is one area that still isn't fixed. After so long without an answer to this prayer and doors continuously closing in your face, it is discouraging. So many days, I sit and cry, just wondering how I can make this right for him. Is there a way that I can help him or intercede on his behalf?

I try to pray here on an open forum - but it seems my prayers are repetitive and I grow frustrated when we see no results. Please assure us it won't be this way forever. My husband is too amazing not to have a solid career and a sense of accomplishment at the end of a long workday. I want that for him. I love him too much to sit idly by and watch him grow more and more discouraged.

Friday, February 13, 2015

I still don't understand...


I became frustrated. I often do when I pray for something and I don't results or an answer to my prayer. My husband and I go through lulls of frustration as well as hopeful periods when we feel like a job is on the horizon for him. So far, we continue to be let down. Why? Why is it so damn hard for a brilliant, hardworking man to find a good job?

Rodney had a test yesterday. For a really good opportunity. It will be a few weeks before we know if he made the cut for an actual interview. Will they give him a chance? Will be discarded as he has been so many times before? Regardless of how much we've prayed, it's been over 2 years that he's been idle and without work. He is tired... and we are both clueless as to why.

After so many letdowns, it's hard to know what to pray. I just know my husband is worth more than this. He wasn't put here to do laundry, cook dinner or run errands for his wife. If he is where he is supposed to be, how long will it stay this way? At least, if we had children, there would be a purpose for him to be a stay-at-home husband/father. But that's a whole other prayer that hasn't been answered.

Where are you, God? Can you hear me? Are you listening? Help me understand your will or at least find peace in whatever your plans are for us. I just want my husband to be happy, have purpose and be satisfied with his life.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen