My hubby and me

My hubby and me

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Praying 34 is blessed...

Lord, thank you for blessing my husband with another year. He is healthy and fighting the good fight to stay positive, despite his job situation. I long to see him happy, fulfilled and satisfied, especially in this area of his life. After numerous phone interviews and a few face-to-face ones in between, we struggle to find a reason why he has not secured a job. He is brilliant and amazing in so many ways, but it seems as though other people, particularly potential employers, just don't take the time to see those things. 

We are pondering the idea of leaving home, finding a new place and starting over, in a sense. That would mean leaving his family and all of our friends, but it is the only way we can think of to give my husband a new barrel of opportunities. Where there are new opportunities, perhaps there is the right job for him. It's scary - particularly because, in order to do this, I must find an exceptional job who would potentially help to relocate us. There are so many things that would have to fall into place for this to happen, so I pray for discernment, wisdom and, in whatever path we are supposed to follow, that you move the mountains, God. We need your guidance and we need your strength to pull us through and figure out what to do next. 

Thank you for loving us. Thank you for working on our behalf, even when we don't see or recognize it. Thank you for your son, Jesus. In His name I pray. Amen.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

On my knees in 2016...

While I think of and pray for my husband often, I have not devoted as much time praying here, in writing, so those prayers can be validated, shared and lifted up by others on his behalf. This is a new year and I am refocusing my energy on this venture. I will document prayers for my husband. I will reference scripture to reinforce those prayers. And, I will ask that each person who reads this blog send up a prayer on my husband's behalf. If the scripture of Psalm 107 is true, then God CAN and WILL change things if we ask in the name of Jesus.

Psalm 107:28-30 -- "Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven..."

God, please hear the cries of my heart. I intercede on behalf of my husband in hopes that you will bless him in a major way this year. His faith is shaken... well both of ours is shaken, if I am being honest. We have prayed for two very important things and neither of them has come to fruition. First, my poor husband has struggled to find work for three years now, and after repeated letdowns, it doesn't seem a job blessing is ever going to happen. God, you've been faithful to us in other ways... Why does this prayer go seemingly unanswered? Why has no door, window or glimmer of hope opened up for him? Second, we hoped to have a family by now. In June, we will be married for 4 years and, still, there are no children. My age continues to creep up and that obviously makes it harder and more high risk for pregnancy. Will I ever be able to give my husband children? It's been a dream of his for so long and I am not sure how I will cope with it if I am unable to make that dream a reality for him. Is that in the cards for us, God, or are we just praying for something that will never come?

I pray you will give us hope. Surround us with your love, courage and strength to endure whatever comes our way. Give us patience to wait on you and, in times of uncertainty, fear or discouragement, lift up our hearts and help us to focus on the blessings you have for us -- in your time.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.